Let's sing! My Garden of Wonder! I can taste the apples. I can smell the flowers. I can see the funny spider! I can hear the birds. I can touch the trees. My garden’s full of wonder!

3 классАнглийский язык

Let's sing!
My Garden of Wonder!
I can taste the apples.
I can smell the flowers.
I can see the funny spider!
I can hear the birds.
I can touch the trees.
My garden’s full of wonder!

Let's sing! My Garden of Wonder! I can taste the apples. I can smell the flowers. I can see the funny spider! I can hear the birds. I can touch the trees. My garden’s full of wonder!


Перевод задания
Давайте споем!
Мой сад чудес!
Я чувствую вкус яблок.
Я чувствую запах цветов.
Я вижу забавного паука!
Я могу слышать птиц.
Я могу прикоснуться к деревьям.
Мой сад полон чудес!