Make these sentences passive. Example: Dick has washed his shirt. The shirt has been washed. 1) They have bought a new dictionary. 2) The government has opened a new TV centre. 3) Somebody has post...

9 классАнглийский язык

Make these sentences passive.
Example: Dick has washed his shirt. The shirt has been washed.
1) They have bought a new dictionary.
2) The government has opened a new TV centre.
3) Somebody has posted the letters.
4) They have broadcast this news.
5) We have painted our cottage green.
6) She has finished the new project.
7) They have opened a new theatre in the city.
8) We have discussed all the details of our future journey.
9) Alice has learnt the poem by heart.
10) Brenda has served dinner.

Make these sentences passive. Example: Dick has washed his shirt. The shirt has been washed. 1) They have bought a new dictionary. 2) The government has opened a new TV centre. 3) Somebody has post...


Перевод задания
Сделайте эти предложения в пассивном залоге.
Образец: Дик постирал рубашку. Рубашка была постирана.
1) Они купили новый словарь.
2) Правительство открыло новый телецентр.
3) Кто−то отправил письма.
4) Они транслировали эту новость.
5) Мы покрасили наш коттедж в зеленый цвет.
6) Она закончила новый проект.
7) Они открыли новый театр в городе.
8) Мы обсудили все детали нашего будущего путешествия.
9) Элис выучила наизусть стихотворение.
10) Бренда подала ужин.

1) A new dictionary has been bought.
2) A new TV centre has been opened.
3) The letters have been posted.
4) This news has been broadcast.
5) Our cottage has been painted green.
6) The new project has been finished.
7) A new theatre has been opened in the city.
8) All the details of our future journey have been discussed.
9) The poem has been learned by heart.
10) Dinner has been served.

Перевод ответа
1) Был куплен новый словарь.
2) Открыт новый телецентр.
3) Письма были отправлены.
4) Эта новость была передана в эфир.
5) Наш коттедж покрашен в зеленый цвет.
6) Новый проект завершен.
7) В городе открылся новый театр.
8) Все детали нашего будущего путешествия обсуждены.
9) Стихотворение выучено наизусть.
10) Ужин подан.