A. Listen to the lyrics, CD (1), and decide which of the three things the song is about. a) wildlife b) freedom c) travelling B. Read the lyrics and then sing the song along. Eagle (орёл) ABBA (Ben...9 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1) What kinds of mass media do you know? 2) Which, in your opinion, is the most popular of them? Why? 3) What, in your view, makes the Internet a fast d...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Work in small groups. Interview your classmates and find out how many of them: 1) never or not often watch television; 2) watch TV from 2 to 4 hours a day; 3) watch TV more than 4 hours a day; 4...9 классАнглийский язык
Say the same using the passive voice. Example: They show a lot of thrillers on TV nowadays. A lot of thrillers are shown on TV nowadays. 1) John Logie Baird made the first television from old cars,...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete these sentences using passive forms of the verbs. 1) In the 1970s TV technologies (to develop) very fast. 2) Nowadays a lot of TV and radio programmes (to devote) to politics. 3) In the fu...9 классАнглийский язык
Say the same in Russian. 1) A new bridge is being built across the river. 2) When I entered the hotel, I noticed that all the cleaning ladies were busy. The rooms were being prepared for the coming...9 классАнглийский язык
Look at the picture and say what is being done at the moment for the school party. 9 классАнглийский язык
Read the texts (1−5) from English newspapers and match them with the titles (a−f). There is one title you don’t have to use. a) New Sports Star b) Part for the Young Actor c) Problems of the Black ...9 классАнглийский язык
Choose the appropriate verb forms to make the sentences complete. Write the sentences down. 1) I can’t give you John’s article now. It (is translated / is being translated). 2) We couldn’t get in b...9 классАнглийский язык
Open the brackets to complete the sentences. Use the passive voice. Write the sentences down. 1) The first television programmes (to show) at the beginning of the 20th century. 2) Nowadays new tele...9 классАнглийский язык
Match the parts of the sentences in the two columns to get complete phrases. 1) When I returned to my native city, I noticed that ... 2) The room for the Christmas party ... 3) Last Saturday I was ...9 классАнглийский язык
Get ready to speak about your summer holidays. Mention: • where you spent them; • with whom you spent them; • what new things you saw or learned; • what useful things you did during your holidays; ...9 классАнглийский язык
Yesterday different programmes were shown on television. Listen, CD (2), and decide which channels these people probably watched. Watching Television a) Alice Radcliffe has recently visited China, ...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the text again, CD (3), and decide which of the statements are true and which of them are false. Channel 1 1) New Zealand is the same size as the USA. 2) New Zealand is often called a nat...9 классАнглийский язык
Try to imagine a TV studio 10 minutes before the beginning of a live talk show. Use the word combinations below and say what is being done at the moment. Example: invite the visitors into the studi...9 классАнглийский язык
Yesterday Andrew wanted to watch TV but couldn’t find anything good enough to himself. He began to surf the channels. Say what he saw on them. Example: Channel 1 — a sentimental melodrama [ˌmelə'dr...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (4), and read. A. advertise [ˈædvətaɪz] — рекламировать, помещать объявление broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] n — трансляция broadcast v — транслировать citizen [ˈsɪtɪzən] — 1) гражданин, граждан...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. stand, discussion, discuss, serving, news, main, broadcast, current, services, advertised, citizens 1) The President’s speech will be ... on...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and the sentences after it. Say what facts are true, false or not stated in the text. The BBC The BBC is probably the best known non−commercial radio and television organization, f...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the sentences and say how negations and questions in present and past progressive passive are formed. Present Progressive Passive Past Progressive Passive − 1) The papers are not being sign...9 классАнглийский язык
Match the words with their descriptions. 1) advertiser 2) citizen 3) broadcaster 4) news 5) discussion 6) service ↓↑ a) help that you give to someone b) information about something that has happene...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the appropriate forms of the verb to be to make the sentences complete. 1) This novel (be) read at the moment. 2) Yesterday the tickets (be) not bought: the box office was closed. 3) Such telev...9 классАнглийский язык
Write the same in English. A. 1) Главные вопросы; 2) радиотрансляция; 3) прекрасное обслуживание; 4) текущие события; 5) рекламировать одежду; 6) сограждане; 7) главный герой книги; 8) последние но...9 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [dɪˈskʌs] 2) [ˈkʌrənt] 3) [rɪəl] 4) [ˈædvətaɪz] 5) [njuːz] 6) [ˈsɪtɪzən] 7) [ɪmˈpɔːtnt] 8) [ˈselɪbreɪt] 9) [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] 10) [sɜːv] 11) [ˈkʌntri] 9 классАнглийский язык
Read the text “Television in the Classroom”, then listen to it, CD (6). Say what two pieces of information are missing from the text below. Television in the Classroom I have been using television ...9 классАнглийский язык
The man of the future, Magnus by name, travelled across the centuries in his time machine visiting different places all over the world. Say what was happening there at the moment he arrived in thos...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate passive forms to make it complete. Then check. It is Wednesday afternoon. Mr Robin Warren is away on business. He is calling his butle...9 классАнглийский язык
What do you think the underlined letters stand for? 1) Lewis Caroll, b. in 1832, an English writer, wrote such a well−known children’s story as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. 2) Hollywood, CA, i...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Compare the English and Russian sentences. What’s the difference? 1) Новости были отличными. 1) The news was perfect. 2) — Какого цвета волосы у Хелен? — Они светлые. 2) — What colour is Helen’s...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the necessary prepositions to complete the sentences. 1) The letters LA stand … Los Angeles which is a city … California. 2) These goods are often advertised … television. 3) The information ab...9 классАнглийский язык
Here are some TV programmes. Which of them would you choose? What’s your first, second and third choice? political discussion concert of classical music comedy play sports programme documentary new...9 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. You and your friend want to watch one of the programmes. Discuss which one is the best programme to watch. Variant 1 political discussion opera concert of classical music comedy play...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the text. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete it. Write the text down. Last night my mum told me there was a very good film on Channel 4. It happened to be the old ...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the appropriate pronouns to complete the sentences. 1) I can’t find the money. Where have you put ... ? 2) I can’t use their services: ... are too expensive. 3) What can you say about his knowl...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the appropriate passive verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) Listen. What piece of music (play) to the children? I’ve forgotten its name. 2) The article (complete) by the end of this week, ...9 классАнглийский язык
Get ready to speak about your favourite TV programme. Say: • what it is; • to what category of programmes it belongs; • when it is broadcast and on what channel; • how long it usually takes; • why ...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (8), and match the extracts from the TV programmes (A−D) with their names (a−e) and pictures (1−5). There is one name and one picture you don’t have to use. a) Wildlife: the Kind Giants ...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the sentences. Find the grammar mistakes and correct them. 1) Ann's music teacher says the girls's progress has been surprisingly fast. 2) Mr Craford's money are kept in the bank. 3) My parent...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. up, down, into, off, over, on 1) My brother turns ... the TV as soon as he gets home from college. 2) I’ve told you the music is too loud and ask...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the key words from the text and try to decide what the text is about. television, family, TV programme, men, women, children, interest, watch B. Read the text to see if you were right and g...9 классАнглийский язык
Speak about the role of television in your life. Mention: • how much time you spend in front of the television; • if you watch television for information, entertainment or both; • what programmes y...9 классАнглийский язык
Make these sentences passive. Example: Dick has washed his shirt. The shirt has been washed. 1) They have bought a new dictionary. 2) The government has opened a new TV centre. 3) Somebody has post...9 классАнглийский язык
Fred is from Blackwood but he lives in London. Once he came back to his native town and saw many changes there. Say what Fred saw using passive forms of the verbs. Example: They had built a new hos...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the sentences and say how negations and general questions in present and past perfect passive are formed. Present Perfect Passive − 1) The new project has not been finished yet. 2) The carp...9 классАнглийский язык
Write out of Exercise 4 English equivalents of the following phrases: 1) оставляют телевизор включённым; 2) во время еды; 3) включая всякую ерунду; 4) привыкают к тому, чтобы смотреть телевизор; 5)...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with into, over, on, off, up and down. 1) Turn ... the page, the picture you are looking for is there. 2) Don’t turn the sound ...: I’m trying to read. 3) The lights were tur...9 классАнглийский язык
Write why it is so. Use present perfect passive. 1) Susan can’t buy any bread on her way home. Why? (The shops / close.) 2) Alice doesn’t want to watch this film. Why? (It / broadcast / many times....9 классАнглийский язык
Find the sentences in which past perfect passive is used. Write them in the negative. 1) He said the room had been painted pink. 2) Wendy has always been admired by her brothers. 3) She knew she ha...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen to two friends talking, CD (9), and complete the sentences (1—3) choosing the appropriate endings. 1) Ron is … . a) planning to stay at home this evening b) not sure what he’ll do this eveni...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the sentences and say in which of them present perfect passive is used. Translate them into Russian. 1) An interesting comedy play has been shown on Channel 4. Have you seen it? 2) I have j...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the text with the appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Check, CD (10). It is Saturday morning. Mr Robin Warren has just arrived home. He is talking to his butler Luke. He wa...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the text. Use the appropriate forms of the words in the asterisks to complete it. Sometimes jazz concerts are broadcast on the radio and on television. We (1) ... (be) sure that you (2) ... (h...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (11), and read. A. humiliate [hjuːˈmɪlieɪt] — унижать instead (of) [ɪnˈsted] — вместо rude [ruːd] — грубый, невоспитанный shame [ʃeɪm] — стыд shoot [ʃuːt] — 1) стрелять; 2) снимать (филь...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Complete the sentences with the new words in their appropriate forms. 1) I’m coming out with my hands up. Don’t ... ! 2) His bad behaviour brought ... on the whole school. 3) It’s ... to tell so...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Listen to the dialogue, CD (12), then read it aloud in groups of four. The Morrisons are spending a Sunday evening at home. Mrs Morrison: Tea is ready. Jim, please, turn on the telly. Come on ev...9 классАнглийский язык
Your friend is fond of watching sports programmes on TV. And you would like to watch a documentary about the future of our planet. Convince him / her to watch the programme with you. Explain: • how...9 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) Some new documentaries (have / had) been lately shown on Channel 4. 2) Nick remembered that those short stories (have / had) been r...9 классАнглийский язык
Write the same in a different way. Use the passive voice. Example: We spend a lot of time on watching television. A lot of time is spent on watching television. 1) The managers are discussing their...9 классАнглийский язык
With what other words can you combine them with? 1) to spoil: a project, ..., ... 2) to shoot: a film, ..., ... 3) to spy on: a person, ..., ... 4) to humiliate: children, ..., ... 5) rude: reply, ...9 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [spɔɪl] 2) [hjuːˈmɪlieɪt] 3) [ʃuːt] 4) [ʃeɪm] 5) [səˈsaɪəti] 6) [θret] 7) [ruːd] 8) [ɪnˈsted] 9) [spaɪ] 10) [sɜːv] 11) [ˈsɪtɪzən] 12) [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] 9 классАнглийский язык
Listen to a TV interview with an American film star. Match the questions below (a−e) with the star’s answers (1−5), CD (13). a) What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? b) Are you...9 классАнглийский язык
Look at the pictures and say what these people decided to do instead of other things. Example: 1) Instead of staying at home Paul decided to go to the park. 1) Paul 2) Ann 3) Cathie 4) Robert 5) Al...9 классАнглийский язык
You know the words in column A. Read the sentences (1−10) and say what the words in column B mean. A B to humiliate humiliation rude rudeness shame shameless to spy a spy threat to threaten 1) The ...9 классАнглийский язык
Report what the broadcaster said in the nine o’clock news yesterday. Example: to send an expedition He said an expedition had been sent to the North Pole. 1) to break a new record 2) to perform a n...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and say which of the following ideas cannot be found in it. 1) Television has to answer for a lot of problems in the society. 2) Grown−up programmes should not be shown at the time...9 классАнглийский язык
Comment on some ideas of the text. Give your point of view. Give examples. 1) Modern television teaches people immorality. 2) There is too much violence and cruelty on television. 3) Young children...9 классАнглийский язык
Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them. 1) The police have helped us to get home in their car. 2) Police have caught the criminal. 3) The police was asked for help. 4) Would you like t...9 классАнглийский язык
Imagine that it is Saturday night. You want to put your feet up and watch television. Below you can read what British television shows. What will you choose and why? BBC 1. Film. Primary Colours (1...9 классАнглийский язык
Write out of the text “Modern Television” English equivalents of the following phrases: 1) телевидение критикуют; 2) хуже того; 3) естественно; 4) если их вообще нужно показывать; 5) людей заставля...9 классАнглийский язык
Fill in the missing words where necessary to complete the sentences. 1) You will spoil ... your younger brother if you let him do anything he wants. 2) Fascist [ˈfæʃɪst] organizations are a threat ...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) I often ask him what to do and can say that his advice (be) always good and sensible. 2) Some important inform...9 классАнглийский язык
Get ready to speak about the programme you watched on television yesterday or the day before yesterday. Remember to say: • at what time and with whom you watched it; • what impression the programme...9 классАнглийский язык
You will hear five parents speaking about television and their children. Listen, CD (15), and match the statements below (a−f) with what the parents say (1−5). There is one statement you don’t have...9 классАнглийский язык
Comment on the situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn] in the picture and say how television influences family life. “When I want my children to hear me, I have to stand in front of the television.” 9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the derivatives of the words on the right. 1) It is ... to work ... on the computer all day. possible, stop 2) ...s say that children ... often copy what they see on tel...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Listen, CD (16), read and match the words with the pictures. a) a disk b) a monitor c) a mouse d) a keyboard e) a laptop (notebook) f) a printer g) a mouse pad (mouse mat) h) a Xerox i) a flash ...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and answer the question it asks. The Newest Media The Internet, a global computer network, helps people to communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] with each other. Its history began in the Uni...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use some computer words. 1) A small computer that you can carry with you is a ... . 2) A small object that you move to do things on a computer screen is a ... . 3) A piece o...9 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Make guesses about the role of radio, television and the Internet in the life of your classmate. If the guess is wrong, correct your partner. — My guess is that you watch TV all day ...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the dialogue, act it out and then make a similar one. A: In my opinion, there’s absolutely nothing to watch on television nowadays. В: No, I’m sure you’re wrong. Personally I watch TV quite a ...9 классАнглийский язык
Complete the text. Use the derivatives of the words on the right. In some families, children surf the Internet for several hours a day. Many parents (1) ... (like) this (2) ... (stop) work on the c...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Write these in English. 1) Cообщение по / на электронной почте; 2) обмениваться информацией; 3) искать информацию в Интернете; 4) взламывать интернет−программы; 5) быть подключённым к Интернету;...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Complete the dialogue with the phrases that help the speakers to correct each other. Write the dialogue down. A: Well, well, well! So they lost, didn’t they? B: Who? What are you talking about? ...9 классАнглийский язык
Think of five reasons why people use computers and write them down. First of all… Secondly… Thirdly... Then… And finally… 9 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and answer the questions after it. Writing Letters Everybody likes to receive a letter or an e−mail from a friend. A letter tells you that someone was thinking about you. Unlike a tel...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the letter and match its parts (1−5) with their names (a−e). 1) St Petersburg Russia September 20, 2018 2) Dear Ann, 3) I have great news! My parents have bought a computer. It's really wonder...9 классАнглийский язык
Write the following headings correctly. 1) UK Leeds September 5, 2018 2) London January, 11, 2017 UK 3) Russia 31 August 2016 St Petersburg 4) 2015 November 5 USA Boston 5) Perth Australia December...9 классАнглийский язык
A. Write the greetings correctly. 1) dear uncle tony 2) dear grandmother 3) dear dr mason 4) dear hazel 5) hi, bruce 6) hi Sue 7) hello mum 8) hello dear 9) my dear Alice 10) hi George B. Write the...9 классАнглийский язык
Read a part of your pen friend’s letter. Write the main body of your own letter to him / her in two paragraphs. Answer your friend’s questions. ...I hope you're enjoying your holidays. What do you ...9 классАнглийский язык
Write an answer to your pen friend’s letter. Answer his / her questions. The number of words in your letter should be 100−120. ...This School year I began doing French. To be honest, I find it quit...9 классАнглийский язык
Write a list of 10−15 questions you would like to ask your pen friend about the role of mass media in his/her life. Example: Do you ever listen to the radio? 9 классАнглийский язык
Read a part of your pen friends's letter. Answer his / her letter. The number of words in your letter should be 100−120. ...Our school trip to Russia is planned for January. We are going to stay in...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the letter. Correct the mistakes in all its parts and rewrite the letter according to the rules. London UK 5, February, 2018 Dear Jane Guess what! I have some wonderful news! Last night mom ha...9 классАнглийский язык
Listen to two friends talking, CD (18). Complete the sentences (1−4) choosing the appropriate endings. 1) Yesterday night Betty … . a) looked sleepy b) couldn’t fall asleep c) didn’t go to bed befo...9 классАнглийский язык
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) The situation was becoming dangerous and the police (was / were) called. 2) Have you listened to (a / the) news today? 3) She turned (on /...9 классАнглийский язык
Use the verbs in the appropriate passive forms. 1) I hate it when too many commercials (show) on television. 2) They say a new film (shoot) by our famous director now. I hope it will be very succes...9 классАнглийский язык
Match the words and complete the sentences with the word combinations. 1) computer 2) current 3) advertise 4) shameless 5) save 6) important 7) multicultural 8) global 9) feel 10) shoot 11) securit...9 классАнглийский язык
Read the texts (1−4) and match them with the statements (a−e). There is one statement you don’t have to use. a) This person thinks the network can teach while entertaining. b) This person thinks th...9 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs or in small groups. Read the list of disadvantages the Internet has. Discuss them and decide which are the most dangerous. Tell the others about your decision and explain it. • You ar...9 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. You need your friend’s advice about buying a computer. Ask him / her about: • the possibilities of the computer; • its advantages over other kinds of mass media; • the possible price...9 классАнглийский язык