Say the same in Russian. 1) It’s a good book, but his last one was better. 2) One has to think about one’s future. 3) They were the ones who left Europe for the New World. 4) It was a problem, but ...

9 классАнглийский язык

Say the same in Russian.
1) It’s a good book, but his last one was better.
2) One has to think about one’s future.
3) They were the ones who left Europe for the New World.
4) It was a problem, but not a big one.
5) I’m only using this computer until I can buy a better one.
6) He’s never seen a game like that one.
7) One cannot always be right, can one?
8) David is the one who used to work for television.
9) I carefully answered all her text messages, but failed to answer the last one.
10) One never knows what may happen tomorrow.

Say the same in Russian. 1) It’s a good book, but his last one was better. 2) One has to think about one’s future. 3) They were the ones who left Europe for the New World. 4) It was a problem, but ...


Перевод задания
Скажи то же самое по−русски.
1) It’s a good book, but his last one was better.
2) One has to think about one’s future.
3) They were the ones who left Europe for the New World.
4) It was a problem, but not a big one.
5) I’m only using this computer until I can buy a better one.
6) He’s never seen a game like that one.
7) One cannot always be right, can one?
8) David is the one who used to work for television.
9) I carefully answered all her text messages, but failed to answer the last one.
10) One never knows what may happen tomorrow.

1) Это хорошая книга, но его последняя лучше.
2) Каждый должен думать о своем будущем.
3) Они были теми, кто переселился из Европы в Новый Свет.
4) Это была проблема, но небольшая.
4) Я пользуюсь этим компьютером временно, до тех пор, пока не куплю получше.
6) Он никогда не видел такой игры.
7) Ты не можешь всегда быть прав, не так ли?
8) Дэвид тот самый человек, который раньше работал на телевидении.
9) Я добросовестно ответил на все ее сообщения, кроме последнего.
10) Никогда не знаешь, что может случиться завтра.