Compare two of your friends. Write 3 sentences about them. as … as | strong not as … as | tall not so … as | old / young

5 классАнглийский язык

Compare two of your friends. Write 3 sentences about them.
as … as | strong
not as … as | tall
not so … as | old / young

Compare two of your friends. Write 3 sentences about them. as … as | strong not as … as | tall not so … as | old / young


Перевод задания
такой же ..., как и | сильный
не такой ..., как | высокий
не настолько ... , как | взрослый/молодой
1) Kate is as strong as Elena.
2) Elena is not as tall as Kate.
3) Elena is not so old as Kate.
Перевод ответа
1) Катя такая же сильная, как Елена.
2) Елена не такая высокая, как Катя.
3) Елена не настолько взрослая, как Катя.