What Russian poet wrote fables? What fable by this poet is like Aesop’s “The Grasshopper and the Ant”? In what way are they different?

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What Russian poet wrote fables? What fable by this poet is like Aesop’s “The Grasshopper and the Ant”? In what way are they different?

What Russian poet wrote fables? What fable by this poet is like Aesop’s “The Grasshopper and the Ant”? In what way are they different?


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Какой русский писатель писал басни? Какая его басня похожа на басню Эзопа «Кузнечик и Муравей»? И в чем их отличие?
The Russian writer was Ivan Andreevich Krylov. The fable is “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. So the Dragonfly was instead of the Grasshopper. The story and the moral of these two fables are the same but Krylov’s fable was written as a poem.
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Русский писатель был Иван Андреевич Крылов. Басня «Стрекоза и Муравей». В ней Кузнечик заменен на Стрекозу. История и мораль этих двух басен схожи, но басня Крылова написана в стихах.