Answer the questions. 1. Why do you think Olivia left the park and went home? 2. What did Olivia find in her bag when she came home? 3. Why did the old man take crisps from the packet on the bench?

5 классАнглийский язык

Answer the questions.
1. Why do you think Olivia left the park and went home?
2. What did Olivia find in her bag when she came home?
3. Why did the old man take crisps from the packet on the bench?

Answer the questions. 1. Why do you think Olivia left the park and went home? 2. What did Olivia find in her bag when she came home? 3. Why did the old man take crisps from the packet on the bench?


Перевод задания
Ответь на вопросы.
1. Как вы думаете, почему Оливия покинула парк и вернулась домой?
2. Что Оливия нашла в своей сумке, когда пришла домой?
3. Почему старик взял чипсы из пакета на скамейке?
1. Because she thought that the old man was eating her crisps.
2. She found the packet of crisps.
3. Because it was his packet.
Перевод ответа
1. Потому что она думала, что старик ел ее чипсы.
2. Она нашла пачку чипсов.
3. Потому что это был его пакет.