Sing along! Oh, what a mystery! Oh, what a mystery! The mouse studied history, The kangaroo climbed up a tree, The elephant played the saxophone, And the bumblebee dived in the sea!

4 классАнглийский язык

Sing along!
Oh, what a mystery!
Oh, what a mystery!
The mouse studied history,
The kangaroo climbed up a tree,
The elephant played the saxophone,
And the bumblebee dived in the sea!

Sing along! Oh, what a mystery! Oh, what a mystery! The mouse studied history, The kangaroo climbed up a tree, The elephant played the saxophone, And the bumblebee dived in the sea!


Перевод задания
О, какая небылица!
О, какая небылица!
Мышь изучила историю,
Кенгуру залез на дерево,
Слон играл на саксофоне,
А шмель в море нырнул!