Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) At nine o’clock in the morning Fred (was sleeping/slept) as it was Sunday. 2) Jack (was putting / put) on his coat when the t...

10 классАнглийский язык

Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1) At nine o’clock in the morning Fred (was sleeping/slept) as it was Sunday. 2) Jack (was putting / put) on his coat when the telephone (was ringing / rang). 3) While Andrew (was writing / wrote) an essay, his helper (was taking / took) pictures to illustrate the text. 4) When mum (was opening / opened) the door, she saw Greg who (was cleaning / cleaned) the hall. 5) Jack (was doing / did) his homework at 7 p.m. 6) What (was Debbie writing / did Debbie write) in her e−mail? 7) Someone (was coming / came) to visit the Robinsons last Thursday: I (was seeing / saw) a car arrive at the door of their house. 8) It (was snowing / snowed) while I (was waiting / waited) for you. 9) It (was beginning / began) to snow when we (were reaching / reached) the airport. 10) What (were you doing / did you do) at 11 a.m. yesterday?

Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) At nine o’clock in the morning Fred (was sleeping/slept) as it was Sunday. 2) Jack (was putting / put) on his coat when the t...


Перевод задания
Вставьте глагол в правильной форме, чтобы закончить предложения.
1) В девять часов утра Фред (was sleeping/slept), как было в воскресенье. 2) Джек (was putting / put) пальто, когда (was ringing / rang) телефон. 3) Пока Эндрю (was writing / wrote) эссе, его помощник (was taking / took) фотографии для иллюстрации текста. 4) Когда мама (was opening / opened) дверь, она увидела Грега, который (was cleaning / cleaned) холл. 5) Джек (was doing / did) свою домашнюю работу в 19:00. 6) Что (was Debbie writing / did Debbie write) в своем электронном письме? 7) Кто−то (was coming / came) в гости к Робинсонам в прошлый четверг: я (was seeing / saw) машину, подъезжающую к двери их дома. 8) Тогда (was snowing / snowed), пока я (was waiting / waited) тебя. 9) Когда мы (were reaching / reached) в аэропорт, (was beginning / began) снег. 10) Что вы (were you doing / did you do) вчера в 11 утра?

1) At nine o’clock in the morning Fred was sleeping as it was Sunday. 2) Jack was putting on his coat when the telephone rang. 3) While Andrew was writing an essay, his helper was taking pictures to illustrate the text. 4) When mum opened the door, she saw Greg who was cleaning the hall. 5) Jack was doing his homework at 7 p.m. 6) What did Debbie write in her e−mail? 7) Someone came to visit the Robinsons last Thursday: I saw a car arrive at the door of their house. 8) It was snowing while I was waiting for you. 9) It began to snow when we reached the airport. / It was beginning to snow when we reached the airport. 10) What were you doing at 11 a. m. yesterday?

Перевод ответа
1) В девять часов утра Фред спал, потому что было воскресенье. 2) Джек надевал свое пальто, когда телефон зазвонил. 3) Когда Эндрю писал эссе, его помощник делал фотографии для иллюстрирования текста. 4) Когда мама открыла дверь, она увидела Грега, который убирался в коридоре. 5) Джек выполнял свое домашнее задание в 7 вечера. 6) Что написала Дебби в своем электронном письме? 7) Кто−то пришел в гости к Робинсонам в прошлый четверг: я видел машину у двери их дома. 8) Шел снег, когда я ждал тебя. 9) Начался снегопад, когда мы добрались до аэропорта. / Начинался снегопад, когда мы добрались до аэропорта. 10) Чем ты занимался в 11 утра вчера?