Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) I left the classroom as soon as I (had written / had been writing) the test. 2) Andy came and said that they (had written / h...

10 классАнглийский язык

Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1) I left the classroom as soon as I (had written / had been writing) the test. 2) Andy came and said that they (had written / had been writing) their essays for an hour and a half. 3) My mother gave me her mobile because I (had lost / had been losing) mine. 4) George said he (had prepared / had been preparing) for his exam for a week. 5) After Jim (had paid / had been paying) for the books he left the shop. 6) I thought we (had waited / had been waiting) for Ann too long and decided to tell Andrew about it. 7) We (had swum / had been swimming) in the river for half an hour when Alfred said he was going to lie in the sun a bit. 8) After Lily (had packed / had been packing) her suitcase she headed for the car.

Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) I left the classroom as soon as I (had written / had been writing) the test. 2) Andy came and said that they (had written / h...


Перевод задания
Вставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму, чтобы закончить предложения.
1) Я покинул класс, как только (had written / had been writing) тест. 2) Энди пришел и сказал, что они (had written / had been writing) сочинение в течение полутора часов. 3) Моя мама дала мне свой мобильный телефон, потому что я (had lost / had been losing) свой. 4) Джордж сказал, что он (had prepared / had been preparing) к своему экзамену неделю. 5) После того, как Джим (had paid / had been paying) за книги, он вышел из магазина. 6) Я подумал, что мы (had waited / had been waiting) Энн слишком долго, и решил сказать об этом Эндрю. 7) Мы (had swum / had been swimming) в реке около получаса, когда Альфред сказал, что он собирается немного полежать на солнце. 8) После того, как Лили (had packed / had been packing) все в чемодан, она отправилась за машиной.

1) I left the classroom as soon as I had written the test. 2) Andy came and said that they had been writing their essays for an hour and a half. 3) My mother gave me her mobile because I had lost mine. 4) George said he had been preparing for his exam for a week. 5) After Jim had paid for the books he left the shop. 6) I thought we had been waiting for Ann too long and decided to tell Andrew about it. 7) We had been swimming in the river for half an hour when Alfred said he was going to lie in the sun a bit. 8) After Lily had packed her suitcase she headed for the car.

Перевод ответа
1) Я покинул класс, как только дописал тест. 2) Энди пришел и сказал, что они писали сочинение в течение полутора часов. 3) Моя мама дала мне свой мобильный телефон, потому что я потерял свой. 4) Джордж сказал, что он готовился к своему экзамену неделю. 5) После того, как Джим заплатил за книги, он вышел из магазина. 6) Я подумал, что мы ждали Энн слишком долго, и решил сказать об этом Эндрю. 7) Мы плавали в реке около получаса, когда Альфред сказал, что он собирается немного полежать на солнце. 8) После того, как Лили сложила все в чемодан, она отправилась за машиной.