Write what these sentences mean in Russian. 1) Many patients do not get the medical treatment they need. 2) She admired Christopher and loved him but he treated her like a child. 3) Doctors treated...

10 классАнглийский язык

Write what these sentences mean in Russian.
1) Many patients do not get the medical treatment they need. 2) She admired Christopher and loved him but he treated her like a child. 3) Doctors treated her with aspirin. 4) I don’t see why you should treat disabled people differently from anyone else. 5) His mother always returned from town with a special treat for him. 6) We don’t want any special treatment. 7) I would like to give you a treat and invite you to a theatre. 8) It’s a treat to listen to him. 9) I shall treat myself to a holiday.

Write what these sentences mean in Russian. 1) Many patients do not get the medical treatment they need. 2) She admired Christopher and loved him but he treated her like a child. 3) Doctors treated...


Перевод задания
Напишите, что эти предложения значат на русском языке.
1) Many patients do not get the medical treatment they need. 2) She admired Christopher and loved him but he treated her like a child. 3) Doctors treated her with aspirin. 4) I don’t see why you should treat disabled people differently from anyone else. 5) His mother always returned from town with a special treat for him. 6) We don’t want any special treatment. 7) I would like to give you a treat and invite you to a theatre. 8) It’s a treat to listen to him. 9) I shall treat myself to a holiday.

1) Многие пациенты не получают нужного им лечения.
2) Она восхищалась Кристофером и любила его, а он относился к ней как к ребенку.
3) Доктора лечили ее аспирином.
4) Я не понимаю, почему к людям с ограниченными возможностями следует относиться иначе, чем к остальным людям.
5) Мать всегда возвращалась из города с особым угощением для него.
6) Мы не хотим никакого особого отношения.
7) Я хочу доставить тебе удовольствие и приглашаю тебя в театр.
8) Слушать его − одно удовольствие.
9) Я хочу доставить себе удовольствие и беру отпуск.