Make up the sentences and read them. I We My friend Jane They These people You and I Everybody ↓ have has ↓ played this game before. visited the best museums in town. cleaned the classroom really w...

7 классАнглийский язык

Make up the sentences and read them.
My friend
These people
You and I


played this game before.
visited the best museums in town.
cleaned the classroom really well.
watched the new film on TV.
asked some interesting questions.
cooked a very tasty dinner.
finished reading the text.
decided to have a party.
started a new project.
listened to some popular songs.

Make up the sentences and read them. I We My friend Jane They These people You and I Everybody ↓ have has ↓ played this game before. visited the best museums in town. cleaned the classroom really w...


Перевод задания
Составь предложения и прочитай их.
Мой друг
Эти люди
Ты и я


играл в эту игру раньше.
побывал в лучших музеях города.
убирал класс очень хорошо.
смотрел новый фильм по телевизору.
задал несколько интересных вопросов.
приготовил очень вкусный ужин.
дочитал текст.
решил устроить вечеринку.
начал новый проект.
послушал несколько популярных песен.
I have listened to some popular songs.
We have started a new project.
My friend has finished reading the text.
Jane has cooked a very tasty dinner.
They have cleaned the classroom really well.
These people have visited the best museums in town.
You and I have played this game before.
Everybody has decided to have a party.
I have asked some interesting questions.
We have decided to have a party.
My friend has visited the best museums in town.
Jane has listened to some popular songs.
They have played this game before.
These people have started a new project.
You and I have watched the new film on TV.
Everybody has played this game before.
I have cooked a very tasty dinner.
We have played this game before.
My friend has watched the new film on TV.
Jane has finished reading the text.
They have decided to have a party.
These people have asked some interesting questions.
You and I have cleaned the classroom really well.
Everybody has finished reading the text.
Перевод ответа
Я послушал некоторые популярные песни.
Мы начали новый проект.
Мой друг закончил читать текст.
Джейн приготовила очень вкусный ужин.
Они действительно хорошо убрали класс.
Эти люди посетили лучшие музеи города.
Ты и я играли в эту игру раньше.
Все решили устроить вечеринку.
Я задал несколько интересных вопросов.
Мы решили устроить вечеринку.
Мой друг побывал в лучших музеях города.
Джейн послушала несколько популярных песен.
Они играли в эту игру раньше.
Эти люди начали новый проект.
Мы с тобой посмотрели новый фильм по телевизору.
Все играли в эту игру раньше.
Я приготовил очень вкусный ужин.
Мы играли в эту игру раньше.
Мой друг посмотрел новый фильм по телевизору.
Джейн закончила читать текст
Они решили устроить вечеринку.
Эти люди задали несколько интересных вопросов.
Мы с тобой очень хорошо убрали класс.
Все закончили читать текст.