Listen, CD (1), and read. Say if you feel the same. School, Family and Friends School, family and friends Help me to have a happy day, I always do remember them When I’m far away. School, family an...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Answer these questions about your school. 1) Where is your school situated? Is it far from the place where you live? How long does it take you to get to school? Do you walk there? Do you take a ...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the title of the text, look at the picture and say what the text is going to be about. B. Read the text to see if you were right and complete the sentences after it. The First Days at Schoo...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Say what you think about your first days at school. Use the word combinations from the box. Start like this: I like/don’t like going back to school because ... . to be able to see my friends agai...7 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Complete the questions and answer them. Example: − This school is new, isn’t it? − Yes, it is. It looks new. 1) The classroom in the picture isn’t small, ...? 2)...7 классАнглийский язык
Look around and describe your classroom. What would you like to change in it? Example: I’d like to have a bigger cupboard. I’d like to have bright yellow walls. 7 классАнглийский язык
Say what teachers and pupils have to do and don’t have to do during school hours. Pupils Teachers come to the lessons on time teach things learn things keep their classrooms tidy bring their books ...7 классАнглийский язык
Read Jason’s story and write you think about the first day at school. Jason 1) I love long summer holidays. 2) I never want to go back to school. 3) On the first day I have to be at school at 9:00 ...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Make them true. 1) During the new school year I (will/won’t) have to work hard. 2) My friends and I (will/won’t) have to learn a lot of things. 3) I (will/won’t) have to get...7 классАнглийский язык
Use the verbs in the right forms to complete the text. Summer is over, autumn is here. But I still remember my summer holidays. I can say that I enjoyed them a lot. In June I (1 stay) … at home, (2...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the text “TV Children”, CD (2), and complete the sentences below. 1) TV children are children who ... . a) watch a lot of TV b) take part in TV shows 2) TV children work ... . a) with the...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the title of the text. What do you think it means? What is the text going to be about? B. Read the text to see if you were right and complete the sentences after it. Homecoming When America...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Say what you can about Homecoming in American schools. B. Do you think it is a good idea to celebrate the beginning of a school year? Why? Why not? If you say yes, • when do you think schools sh...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (3), read and remember some useful words. 1) backpack [ˈbækpæk] 2) brush [brʌʃ] 3) chalk [ʧɔ:k] 4) daybook [ˈdeɪbʊk] 5) dictionary [ˈdɪkʃnri] 6) exercise book [ˈeksəsaɪz ˌbʊk] 7) felt−ti...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Name these things. 1) You use them when you draw pictures. 2) You use them when you paint pictures. 3) You use it to draw a straight line. 4) You use it to see what a new word means. 5) You do y...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use a (an), some, any or no article. 1) There are ... new felt−tips in my pencil case. 2) Have you got ... English dictionary at home? 3) I’d like to buy ... colour paper an...7 классАнглийский язык
Work in groups. Find out how often your friends use these things. Every day? From time to time? Not often? Never? rulers rubbers exercise books dictionaries chalk colour chalk felt−tips glue pencil...7 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Where (is/are) the glue? 2) Can you give me (a/some) chalk? 3) Are there (little/few) rulers on the table? 4) Is there (a/any) paper here? 5) Ar...7 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [peɪnt] 2) [ˈdɪkʃnri] 3) [brʌʃ] 4) [ˈru:lə] 5) [ˈrʌbə] 6) [ˈpeɪpə] 7) [ʧɔ:k] 8) [ɡlu:] 9) [ˈbækpæk] 10) [ˌfeltˈtɪp] 11) [ˈsɪzəz] 12) [ˈpensəl ˌkeɪs] 7 классАнглийский язык
Write what you’ve got in your schoolbag now (5 sentences with new words). Example: There is a pen and some exercise books in it. There are some brushes and some paper in it. 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (4), and say whose schoolbags they are. Which bag is Julia’s and which is Liza’s? 7 классАнглийский язык
Say which of these words are countables, which are uncountables? chalk, water, backpack, rubber, dress, brush, cheese, glue, dictionary, paper, pencil sharpener, felt-tip 7 классАнглийский язык
What are they like? Describe them: 1) your desk at home; 2) your desk in the classroom before (after) the lesson; 3) your desk at an English lesson; 4) your teacher’s desk; 5) your schoolbag/backpa...7 классАнглийский язык
Lucy works in a shop. Today is her first day at work and she doesn’t know where things are. Help her. Example: The pens are in the red box. 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (5), and read these word combinations aloud. a piece of work a piece of music a piece of paper a piece of chalk a piece of bread a piece of butter a piece of cheese a piece of sugar a pa...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the words pair or piece in the right forms. 1) May I ask for a ... of this wonderful cake? 2) We have a lot of work to do and so we’d like to have one more ... of hands....7 классАнглийский язык
A. Listen to the dialogue, CD (6). Repeat it and then act it out. At the Shop − What can I do for you? − We would like some brushes and paints. I think we shall buy some paper and pencils too. − An...7 классАнглийский язык
Write what they are. Example: 1) a pair of spectacles (specs) 7 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words and complete the sentences. 1) (This/These) trousers (is/are) too long for me. 2) (That/Those) gloves (was/were) not very warm. 3) Where (is/are) my new pair of stockings? 4)...7 классАнглийский язык
Write answers to these questions. 1) What can we write with? 2) What can we paint with? 3) Where can we find what English words mean? 4) Where do we write our English exercises? 5) What do we write...7 классАнглийский язык
Peter never puts his things in the right places. Where did Peter find them yesterday morning? Look at the pictures, listen, CD (7), and say what is wrong in the pictures. Example: Peter found his sc...7 классАнглийский язык
Say where you keep these things. 1) exercise books? 2) rubbers? 3) rulers? 4) felt−tips, pens and pencils? 5) paints and brushes? 6) your books? 7) your daybook? 8) your pencil sharpener? 9) glue a...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (8), and read. A. age [eɪʤ] − возраст break [breɪk] − перемена college [ˈkɒlɪʤ] − колледж education [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃn] − образование pay [peɪ] − платить subject [ˈsʌbʤɪkt] − учебный предмет t...7 классАнглийский язык
Which of these words can come together? Example: a short term A. easy difficult free short early long lunch coffee tea the first school B. education break age subject term uniform 7 классАнглийский язык
What does Grace have to pay for in the shop? Example: Grace has to pay for the felt−tip pens and rubbers. 7 классАнглийский язык
A. What are these school uniforms like? Which of them do you like more. B. Do you wear uniforms in your school? What is your uniform like? 7 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and give names to its parts. Schools in England and Wales 1. In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five. A lot of them leave school when they become sixteen. ...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the new words and write them down. age, college, break, education, subjects, uniforms, terms, school 1) Most schoolchildren in Britain have to wear school ... . 2) How m...7 классАнглийский язык
Write what you feel. sad, happy, unhappy, wonderful, terrible, lazy 1) When summer holidays are over, I feel ... . 2) When winter is over, I feel ... . 3) When my schoolday is over, I ... . 4) When...7 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [tɜ:m] 2) [peɪ] 3) [breɪk] 4) [ˈsʌbʤɪkt] 5) [ˈkɒlɪʤ] 6) [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃn] 7) [eɪʤ] 8) [ˈju:nɪfɔ:m] 9) [ˈsekəndəri] 10) [ˈpraɪməri] 11) [sku:l] 12) [jɪə] 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (9), and choose the right variants to complete the sentences. 1) Sharon goes to ... school. a) primary b) secondary 2) Sharon ... her school. a) likes b) doesn’t like 3) She ... classes ...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Answer these questions. 1) When do English children begin schooling? 2) How many years do they spend in primary school? 3) Most children begin their secondary education at the age of 12, don’t t...7 классАнглийский язык
Read these word combinations aloud. a long break a lunch break a tea break   the first term the second term the third term   school age young age old age   a new uniform a beautiful uniform a comfo...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the word combinations from the Note bene box (p.20) in the right forms. 1) If you are tired, you should … . 2) All English children … when they are five. 3) My brother i...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (10), and read the names of some school subjects. history ['hɪstəri] − история geography [ʤi'ɒɡrəfi] − география mathematics [ǀmæθə'mætɪks]/maths [mæθs] − математика science ['saɪəns] − ...7 классАнглийский язык
Look at this timetable of an English school. How different is it from yours? 7 классАнглийский язык
Say what you learn/do when you have these classes. The words below can help you. Example: In my history classes I learn about the past, I read texts about history. Geography Maths Music Literature ...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. school, church, university, hospital, bed, work 1) Joan didn’t go to ... after school. She began to work. 2) At what age can you leave ..., at 14...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the names of subjects. 1) We listen to different pieces of music and sometimes sing. The name of the subject is ... . 2) We spell Russian words, write dictations, do exe...7 классАнглийский язык
Write 5 − 7 sentences about your favourite subject. 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the song, CD (11), and sing it along. Do Re Mi Do − a deer, a female deer, Re − a drop of golden sun, Mi − a name I call myself, Fa − a long, long way to run, So − a needle pulling thread...7 классАнглийский язык
A. What is your school like? Say: • if your school is big or small; • what kind of school it is (primary, secondary, state, private); • how many classrooms you’ve got in your school; • how many tea...7 классАнглийский язык
What will you say to your English teacher in these situations? Use your classroom English. 1) You come to class after the bell. You say ... . 2) You can’t see well from the back. You say ... . 3) Y...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the text with the new words and then read it. Russian Schools In Russia schooling begins at the (1) a... of six or seven. In most schools parents do not (2) p... for their children. These ...7 классАнглийский язык
Look at Don’s and Emma’s end of term reports and speak about their results. Example: In English Don is better than Emma. or: In English Emma is worse than Don. 7 классАнглийский язык
Use say, tell, speak or talk to complete the sentences. 1) − Jane can ... French very well, can’t she? − No, she can’t. She began learning French last month. 2) − Can you ... me where Max lives? − ...7 классАнглийский язык
Say how good you are as a pupil. Choose a, b or c. 1) You come to school … . a) well before the bell b) just before the bell c) after the bell 2) You remember to bring … . a) all your school books ...7 классАнглийский язык
Write what you can say in the classroom in these situations: 1) you are at the blackboard and want to go to your seat; 2) you didn’t understand what you should do after the test; 3) you are not sur...7 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) My friend (said/told) me a lot about his home town. 2) Please (say/tell) the truth, I want to know everything. 3) Paul...7 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [baɪˈɒləʤi] 2) [ˈlɪtrəʧə] 3) [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks] 4) [ˈsaɪəns] 5) [ɑ:t] 6) [ˈfɪzɪks] 7) [ˈhɪstəri] 8) [ˈkemɪstri] 7 классАнглийский язык
Write a letter (≈ 30 words) to your pen friend and describe your school to him/her. (You can use Ex. 2, Step 6.) 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (13), and say which sentences are true. A. Nina 1) She is seven. 2) Her father always drives her to school. 3) Nina hates her school. 4) Sport is very important in Nina’s school. B. Bori...7 классАнглийский язык
Look at the table and complete the sentences after it. Education in England, Wales and Russia 1) In England children go to school when they are ..., but in Russia they usually begin their school ed...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (14), and read. A. classmate [ˈklɑ:smeɪt] − одноклассник foreign [ˈfɒrɪn] − иностранный, зарубежный happen [ˈhæpən] − случаться loud [laʊd] − громкий mark [mɑ:k] − оценка, отметка mistak...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the new words. loud, rules, marks, noise, foreign, mistakes, happened, classmates 1) Very few people can speak a foreign language without ... . 2) Children, please be qu...7 классАнглийский язык
What do they mean? Give the Russian for these words. A. 1) school + mate = schoolmate Ann is my schoolmate. We go to school together. 2) school + day = schoolday How many schooldays a week do you h...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the questions with prepositions to and of. Answer these questions. 1) What school subjects are you fond ...? 2) Are you afraid ... tests and exams? 3) They say that school years are the be...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Listen, CD (15), and read the dialogue. Act it out. What name will you give to it? Andrew: Hi, Meg! Why are you so sad? Meg: I got a bad mark in history. Andrew: Really? I thought history was yo...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write the sentences down. happened, fond, tired, talk, sure, afraid, listen, proud 1) May I … to you? I have something important to tell you. 2) ...7 классАнглийский язык
Read the words and spell them. 1) [ˈhæpən] 2) [mɑ:k] 3) [ru:l] 4) [ˈlaʊdli] 5) [mɪˈsteɪk] 6) [nɔɪz] 7) [ˈklɑ:smeɪt] 8) [ˈfɒrɪn] 7 классАнглийский язык
Continue the lists. Write the words down. a) foreign writer, ..., ...; b) easy ..., ... rule; c) unusual ..., ... noise; d) bad ..., ... mistake; e) old ..., ... classmate; f) happen to children, ....7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (16), and decide what their favourite subjects are. 1) Pauline 2) Mike 3) Ann 4) Denis 7 классАнглийский язык
Read these word combinations and sentences aloud. a foreigner a foreign country a foreign language foreign lands and people   loud noise loud music loud songs loud words   a stupid mistake a terrib...7 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Only Children Are only children different? Are they cleverer? Are they selfish? Some people say that only children often become successful in t...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. Example: We have an … at the end of the term. | examine We have an examination at the end of the term. A. 1) We are writing a ...7 классАнглийский язык
Use the right forms of the verbs to complete the text. It is Friday. It (1 be) seven o’clock in the morning. I (2 lie) in bed and (3 hear) mu mother’s words. “Cathy, (4 get) up! If you (5 stay) in ...7 классАнглийский язык
Use back, into, over, out to complete the sentences. 1) I think it is a very dangerous plan. We should talk him ... of it. 2) I’m telling you again you mustn’t talk ... like that. 3) If you don’t u...7 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. A. Choose five most important things for a school from the list. Say why they are important. A school should • be modern • teach girls and boys • have (no) religious education • give ...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write them down. back, into, over, out 1) He decided to join the project and nobody was able to talk him ... of it. 2) I have a new plan. Let’s s...7 классАнглийский язык
Which words are countable and which are uncountable? Write the words from the box under two categories. sand, tomato, juice, sugar, bread, sea, hill, jam, cake, raincoat, daybook, exercise, butter,...7 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right replies. 1) Teacher: Thank you, Victor. I think I can give you a good mark today. Victor: a) Not too bad. b) May I take my seat now? c) I’m positive about it. 2) Teacher: You don’t...7 классАнглийский язык
Write a letter (≈ 30 words) to your pen friend. Tell him/her what subject is your favourite and why you like it. 7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (17), and complete the sentences. 1) How old is Ann? − She is ... . a) thirteen b) twelve c) twenty 2) Where does Ann live? − She lives in ... . a) Oxford b) London c) Brighton 3) Is Ann...7 классАнглийский язык
Read the texts (1 − 4) and match them with the titles (a − e). There is one title you don’t have to use. a) School Sports Club b) School Theatre c) Talking to a Famous School−leaver d) School Rules...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. in, for, back, of, to, over, into 1) Never talk ... to your grandparents. 2) Classes are ... . You are free. 3) What’s your mark ... the French t...7 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Make and act out a dialogue about two schools. Use the word combinations from the boxes. School one • situated in the centre of the city (town) • takes only boys • has classes six da...7 классАнглийский язык
Answer these questions. Use the new words in your answers. 1) What are the subjects you find fairly difficult? (name 2 − 3) 2) What subjects are really easy for you? (name 2 − 3) 3) What are your u...7 классАнглийский язык
What can you tell a visitor about your school? Think about these: • the kind of school you go to and its number • what it looks like, what you can see around it • the size of your school • some of ...7 классАнглийский язык
Is it true? Why (not)? 1) Art is long, life is short. (= There’s so much to learn and so little time for it. So you can’t know everything.) 2) Live and learn. (= The longer we live, the more we lea...7 классАнглийский язык
Use the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. It was Sunday, 15 January. That morning I (1 get) up late. I (2 have, not) to go to school and I (3 decide) to stay in bed a little longe...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say, speak. 1) Tom is very clever, he ... two foreign languages. 2) Ann ... she is good at geography. 3) Will you ... me the tru...7 классАнглийский язык
Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 1. Here is your Word Box 1. Words age, art, backpack, biology, break, brush, chalk, chemistry, class−mate, college, ...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (18), and complete the sentences. 1) Ann ... . a) thinks that schools are not the best place to give education b) says that children mustn’t go to school to get education c) is not certa...7 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated. The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end...7 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. to, of, out, back, into, for, in, over 1) I am tired ... writing dictations. 2) Jack got a good mark ... his English test. 3) I do not know what ...7 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete. 1) Julia didn’t want to break the rules, but in fact she (break/broke) them. 2) It (happen/happened) two centuries ago. 3) I bought a new dict...7 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. One of you is a pupil from Britain and the other is a Russian pupil. Speak about your schools. Remember to say about: • when you go to school and leave it; • primary and secondary sc...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (19), and write Dictation 1. 7 классАнглийский язык
Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page in your English Album. Find information about one of the English old schools: Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby. Write about it and illustrate your story with p...7 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the dialogue, CD (20), and complete these sentences. 1) Alice says that she is going to ... . a) have her English class tomorrow b) have a talk about her English classes c) have a talk in...7 классАнглийский язык