Choose have or has to complete the sentences. Write them down. 1) James ... visited St Petersburg. He likes the city. 2) We ... played five games of tennis. We are the winners. 3) He ... washed his...

7 классАнглийский язык

Choose have or has to complete the sentences. Write them down.
1) James ... visited St Petersburg. He likes the city.
2) We ... played five games of tennis. We are the winners.
3) He ... washed his jeans.
4) They ... started reading a new book.
5) Elizabeth ... cleaned the window.
6) You ... counted all the books.
7) He ... translated the text into Russian.
8) The children ... watered the flowers.

Choose have or has to complete the sentences. Write them down. 1) James ... visited St Petersburg. He likes the city. 2) We ... played five games of tennis. We are the winners. 3) He ... washed his...


Перевод задания
Выбери have или has и закончи предложения. Запиши их.
1) Джеймс ... посетил Санкт−Петербург. Ему нравится этот город.
2) Мы ... сыграли в пять игр в теннис. Мы − победители.
3) Он ... постирал джинсы.
4) Они ... начали читать новую книгу.
5) Элизабет ... помыла окно.
6) Вы ... посчитали все книги.
7) Он ... перевел текст на русский.
8) Дети ... полили цветы.
1) James has visited St Petersburg. He likes the city.
2) We have played five games of tennis. We are the winners.
3) He has washed his jeans.
4) They have started reading a new book.
5) Elizabeth has cleaned the window.
6) You have counted all the books.
7) He has translated the text into Russian.
8) The children have watered the flowers.
Перевод ответа
1) Джеймс посетил Санкт−Петербург. Ему нравится этот город.
2) Мы сыграли в пять игр в теннис. Мы − победители.
3) Он постирал джинсы.
4) Они начали читать новую книгу.
5) Элизабет помыла окно.
6) Вы посчитали все книги.
7) Он перевел текст на русский.
8) Дети полили цветы.