Underline the correct word. e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party. 11. It’s your turn to do/make the dusting. 12. I don’t want to do/make the washing−up. 13. Help your Dad do/make t...

6 классАнглийский язык

Underline the correct word.
e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party.
11. It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12. I don’t want to do/make the washing−up.
13. Help your Dad do/make the shopping.
14. Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15. They are doing/making wreaths.

Underline the correct word. e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party. 11. It’s your turn to do/make the dusting. 12. I don’t want to do/make the washing−up. 13. Help your Dad do/make t...


Перевод задания
Подчеркните правильное слово.
например, Он is doing/making украшения для вечеринки.
11. Теперь ваша очередь to do/make the dusting.
12. Я не хочу to do/make the washing−up.
13. Помоги папе do/make the shopping.
14. Мама is doing/making особое блюдо.
15. Они are doing/making венки.
11. It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12. I don’t want to do/make the washing−up.
13. Help your Dad do/make the shopping.
14. Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15. They are doing/making wreaths.
Перевод ответа
11. Теперь ваша очередь вытирать пыль.
12. Я не хочу мыть посуду.
13. Помоги папе сделать покупки.
14. Мама готовит особое блюдо.
15. Они плетут венки.