Listen, CD(1), and say which sentences in A and B are true. A. 1) The Barkers always go abroad together. 2) Once the Barker children went abroad on their own. 3) Richard, Margaret, John and Sally B...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and give it a name. B. Complete the questions after the text and answer them. Summer was coming and the Barkers were thinking about their holidays. John and Sally decided to go to ...6 классАнглийский язык
Say in what cities these places are. 1) the Kremlin 2) the Pushkin Museum 3) the Summer Garden 4) Red Square 5) the Anichkov Bridge 6) the Bolshoi Theatre 6 классАнглийский язык
Say what John and Sally did when they were in St Petersburg last summer. Example: John and Sally saw a lot of interesting places in St Petersburg last summer. John and Sally ↓ − to see a lot of int...6 классАнглийский язык
Jerry speaks English and French. Did he understand these people at the party? Example: Jerry understood Jenny. Jenny is from London. She speaks English. Fiona is from Italy. She speaks Italian. Bor...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use nobody, anybody, something, anything, nothing. 1) Would you like to buy ...? 2) ... wants to go to the circus with me. Will you come? 3) I’d like to have ... tasty for l...6 классАнглийский язык
Say it in a different way. Example: Jim didn’t have anything for lunch. Jim had nothing for lunch. 1) We didn’t meet anybody in the street. 2) The boy didn’t watch anything on TV yesterday. 3) The ...6 классАнглийский язык
Use the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) When I was in Great Britain, I often (understand) what English people were saying. 2) I know Bob (understand) my question yesterday. 3) They don’t ...6 классАнглийский язык
Use anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody, everything to complete the sentences. 1) There is ... in the garden. All the visitors are in the museum. 2) Is there ... in the bag? − No, there i...6 классАнглийский язык
Look at the map of Russia and write what cities are in the west of our country. 6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(3), and say which sentences you hear. 1) a) Somebody can help us to do the job. b) Anybody can help us to do the job. 2) a) Is there everybody in the classroom? b) Is there anybody in th...6 классАнглийский язык
Say it in a different way. 1) I don’t know anybody here. 2) I don’t think anybody can help us. 3) I can’t see anything behind the window. 4) We don’t understand anything. 5) They couldn’t buy anyth...6 классАнглийский язык
Speak about your class. Use everybody, not everybody, nobody. ... speaks Italian. ... learns to play tennis. ... likes pop music. ... is a good football player. ... can sing or dance. ... plays gol...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (4), and repeat. What do the new words mean? column ['kɒləm]: a tall column, the column in the centre of the square. The Bolshoi Theatre has got eight columns. There is a tall column in ...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (5), and repeat. A. appear [ə'pɪə] появляться bank [bæŋk] берег (реки) change [ʧeɪnʤ] 1) менять, изменять; 2) переодеваться fast [fɑ:st] 1) быстрый; 2) быстро found [faʊnd] основывать mo...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text, give it a name. Say why many tourists would like to come to St Petersburg again. St Petersburg is a famous Russian city situated on the Neva [ˈni:və] River near the Baltic [ˈbɔ:lt...6 классАнглийский язык
Match the pictures and the names. 1) The monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscow. 2) The monument to Alexander Suvorov in St Petersburg. 3) The monument to Peter the Great in St Petersburg. 4) The ...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the new words. moved, appear, changing, fast, banks, columns, monuments, founded 1) Every river has two ... . 2) In 1703 Tsar Peter ... a new city near the Baltic Sea. 3...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use nobody, everybody, everything. 1) ... is green and beautiful in spring. 2) ... likes cold and rainy days in autumn. 3) ... likes to stay at home on cold winter days. 4) ...6 классАнглийский язык
Match the pictures with the sentences. a) I’m sorry, I’m late, nobody told me I was beginning the concert. b) No, no, Mr Perry, everybody thinks that your story is very interesting. c) Excuse me, i...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (6), and match the pictures (1 – 6) with the names of the places (a – e). a) St Petersburg (2) b) Moscow c) Kazan d) Kostroma e) Holland 6 классАнглийский язык
Read these words and word combinations. 6 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and say why many people don’t like the climate of St Petersburg. St Petersburg, the City on the Baltic Sea A lot of people think that St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities...6 классАнглийский язык
Speak about St Petersburg. 1. The name • the first name • got the name of Petrograd in 1914 • changed the name for Leningrad • became St Petersburg again 2. How it began • founded the city in 1703 ...6 классАнглийский язык
Say the same in Russian. 1) Does anybody know where Nina lives? 2) Anybody can do it. 3) I don’t know anybody here. 4) Any help is important. 5) I would like to buy any book by this author. 6) They...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Example: We don’t have (any/some) museums in our town. We don’t have any museums in our town. 1) The cake is wonderful. Won’t you have (some/any)? 2) Would you like (somethi...6 классАнглийский язык
Say the same in a different way. Example: We don’t hear anything. → We hear nothing. 1) Jack is not learning anything now. 2) He doesn’t like anybody here. 3) We don’t have anything in our new flat...6 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Nobody wants (anything/something/nothing) to eat. 2) Nobody knows (anything/something/nothing) about this place. 3) Nobody watches (anything/som...6 классАнглийский язык
Use the where necessary. (См. Грамматический справочник, с.146.) 1) ... Baltic Sea 2) ... Neva River 3) ... Dvortsovaya Square 4) ... Peter ... Great 5) ... Winter Palace 6) ... Summer Garden 7) .....6 классАнглийский язык
A. Write these verbs in past simple. 1) found 2) appear 3) move 4) change 5) understand 6) extend 7) take 8) miss 9) tell 10) turn 11) buy 12) come 13) go 14) bring 15) send B. Spell these words. 1...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the text of the postcard to a pen friend. Dear ..., It is the last day of our trip to St Petersburg. We are coming back to ... . The weather is fine ... . We all liked St Petersburg very m...6 классАнглийский язык
Answer the questions. 1) Why do you think many tourists come to St Petersburg? 2) St Petersburg was the capital of Russia, wasn’t it? 3) If you go to St Petersburg, what places would you like to se...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Listen, CD(7), and say how long it took Yura to get from Dvortsovaya Square to different places in St Petersburg. Match the time and the pictures. 1) Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre 2) the Sum...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(8), and read. A. build [bɪld] –строить builder [ˈbɪldə] –строитель building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] – здание cathedral [kəˈθi:drəl] – собор rebuild [ri:ˈbɪld] – перестраивать road [rəʊd] – дорога side...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the new words. stand, statues, wooden, road, cathedral, buildings, built, side 1) The pet shop is on the opposite ... of the street. 2) In old Russia you could see only ...6 классАнглийский язык
Read the dialogues. Use the words on the right, make up your own dialogues and act them out. 1) A: Excuse me, what’s that building on the opposite side of the road? (museum, circus, health centre, ...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(9), and read the texts (1 − 4). Match them with the names (a − e). There is one name you don't have to use. a) The Oldest House in St Petersburg b) One of the Oldest Streets in the City ...6 классАнглийский язык
Choose one of these places and say what you can about it. 1) The Summer Garden 2) Peter the Great’s House 3) Nevsky Prospect 4) The Hermitage 6 классАнглийский язык
Match the words from the boxes. Example: road – street A. road, cathedral, castle, statue, tsar, building. B. king, monument, house, church, street, palace. 6 классАнглийский язык
Which are the odd words out? 1) house, building, flower, palace, castle 2) stand, sit, run, jump, road 3) cathedral, wonderful, high, wooden, powerful 4) stand, statue, speak, circus, side 6 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [bɪld] 2) [ˈbɪldə] 3) [ˈbɪldɪŋ] 4) [ri:ˈbɪld] 5) [kəˈθi:drəl] 6) [rəʊd] 7) [stænd] 8) [ˈstæʧu:] 9) [ˈwʊdən] 6 классАнглийский язык
Write the names of these places. 6 классАнглийский язык
Listen to what John Barker says about his trip to St Petersburg, CD(10). Are these true, false or not stated? 1) The Barker children visited St Petersburg in April. 2) It was not windy those days. ...6 классАнглийский язык
Which word will you use to describe them − high or tall? 6 классАнглийский язык
Read these word combinations. 6 классАнглийский язык
A. architect [ˈɑ:kɪtekt] – архитектор century [ˈsenʧəri] – век defend [dɪˈfend] − защищать, оборонять enemy [ˈenəmi] – враг fairly [ˈfeəli] − довольно, достаточно other [ˈʌðə] − другие, другой, вто...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Say how you can describe our century. books, theatres, cars, museums, planes, computers, television, rockets, cosmonauts, scientists, showmen, businessmen, love, ... The twenty−first century is ...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(12), and read the text. Say which sentences after it are true. How It All Began A lot of Russian cities have Kremlins. We can see them in Pskov, Novgorod, Tula, Smolensk and in many othe...6 классАнглийский язык
Read the text “How It All Began” again and complete the sentences. 1) Prince Dolgoruky first wrote about Moscow in the year ... . 2) The Moscow Kremlin stood high ... . 3) To defend Moscow from the...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences with the new words. still, other, enemies, century, defend, architect, fairly 1) I have no ..., only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st ... . 3) I can say that I know my hom...6 классАнглийский язык
Match the words from the two boxes and write the whole word combinations. Example: wooden wall A. wooden high Italian important stone tall Russian white−walled B. cathedrals Moscow builders place w...6 классАнглийский язык
Which of them are tall and which of them are high? Example: Mountains are high. The sky, towers, walls, basketball players, columns, shelves, horses, grandfather clock. 6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(13), and match the texts 1, 2 and 3 with the pictures. 6 классАнглийский язык
Read the word combinations. 6 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and give names to its two parts. Red Square in the centre of Moscow is 695 metres long and 130 metres wide. It is one of the largest and most beautiful squares in Moscow. First the...6 классАнглийский язык
Use take or miss in their right forms to complete the situations. 1) Last Sunday I was going to the country to visit my grandparents. I wanted to ... the 7 o’clock train. I didn’t want to ... the t...6 классАнглийский язык
Where do you go? 1) When I want to buy some food, I go to a supermarket. 2) When I want to take a bus, I go ... . 3) When I want to take a train, I go to ... . 4) When I want to go across a river, ...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (15), and repeat. I’ve got a lot of milk in the jug. I’ve got a lot of apples on the plate. Have you got much milk? Have you got many apples? I don’t have much milk. I don’t have many ap...6 классАнглийский язык
Choose the words to complete the sentences. 1) There are (a lot of/little) shops in this street. 2) Are there (many/much) cinemas in the town? 3) There is (little/few) water in the pond. 4) There i...6 классАнглийский язык
Write answers to the questions. Use some, very few, a lot of, no. Example: − Are there any bookshops in your place? − Yes, there are some. − Yes, but very few. − Yes, there are a lot. − (No), there...6 классАнглийский язык
Which of these nouns are countable and which are uncountable? Continue the lists. Rain, shop, snow, ice, building, place, tea, animal, road, grass, market, water, river, bank. Countable shop buildi...6 классАнглийский язык
Spell these words. 1) [ˈɑ:kɪtekt] 2) [ˈsenʧəri] 3) [dɪˈfend] 4) [ˈenəmi] 5) [ˈfeəli] 6) [ˈʌðə] 7) [stɪl] 8) [tɜ:n] 6 классАнглийский язык
What are they? Write down their names. 6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD(16), and say which of these places Jane didn’t see. 1) the Kremlin 2) Red Square 3) St Basil’s Cathedral 4) the Bolshoi Theatre 5) the Maly Theatre 6) the Tretyakov Gallery 7) the Pushki...6 классАнглийский язык
Make up new words. Use them in the sentences. A. N → Adj (tomato, fish, milk, orange) 1) There is ... juice in the jug. 2) My little cousin doesn’t like ... soup. 3) There was a high ... tree near m...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Choose the right words to complete the text. Check, CD(18). The Smirnovs’ Visit to Suzdal Last May the Smirnovs visited Suzdal − a small town not far from Moscow. The place is very nice with 1 (...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and give it a name. Moscow Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoos in Russia. It appeared in Moscow in 1864 and had 286 animals then. There are more than 6,000 different animals ...6 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words and complete the sentences. 1) My granny is fairly old. She can’t (hear/listen) well. 2) John, why (don’t you hear/are you not listening)? 3) Ann, we can (hear/listen to) you...6 классАнглийский язык
These people left their houses in the afternoon. Now it is evening. Where are they? Example: Ann is still in the bank. 6 классАнглийский язык
1. A big and important city • the capital • very large • green parks • tourists come to see its places of interest • a lot to see and to do 2. The history of Moscow • an old city • its history bega...6 классАнглийский язык
Use hear or listen to complete the sentences. 1) I can ... some music. What is it? 2) Our teacher often reads to us and we ... . 3) ... to your parents, child. 4) In a spring forest we ... birds’ s...6 классАнглийский язык
Match the words in the two columns. Example: TV programme A. TV city cheese river vegetable fox water animal B. tail bird soup food sandwich airport bank programme 6 классАнглийский язык
Match the sentences with the pictures. 1) This is my home and I want to defend it. 2) Have a nice trip! 3) Did you turn right or left at the post office? 6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the text of the postcard to your friend. Dear ..., I’m enjoying my stay in Moscow. The capital of Russia is really a wonderful city. We visited so many interesting places ... . Hope to see...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (19), and say which of the sentences is not true. 1) A lot of people think that the climate in Moscow is far from good. 2) The coldest month is February. 3) The best time to visit Moscow...6 классАнглийский язык
Say what they were still doing at four o’clock in the afternoon. Example: The children/to play football. The children were still playing football. 1) The builders/to rebuild the wooden house. 2) Th...6 классАнглийский язык
Say what Charles could see in Moscow when he was there and what he couldn’t see. 6 классАнглийский язык
Speak about your family. Use everybody in my family, nobody in my family, some people in my family. 1) ... know/knows famous architects. 2) ... is/are fairly old. 3) ... defended our country in 194...6 классАнглийский язык
A. Read the text and give it a name. Moscow is a great city for tourists. Every year lots of people from different countries come to the capital of Russia to see its places of interest. One of them...6 классАнглийский язык
Answer the tourist’s questions about the two cities. Tourist 1) Who founded Moscow? 2) When was it? 3) On the banks of what rivers are Moscow and St Petersburg situated? 4) There are a lot of fores...6 классАнглийский язык
Say all you can about a) Moscow, b) St Petersburg. Use exercise 6 as a plan. 6 классАнглийский язык
Use the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St Petersburg? 2) “I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I can (listen/hear) badly.” 3) We couldn’t (hea...6 классАнглийский язык
Use few or little to complete the sentences. 1) There is (few/little) water in the cup. 2) There are (few/little) towers on the old building. 3) I could see a lot of chickens and very (few/little) ...6 классАнглийский язык
Get ready to write Dictation 1. Dictation 1 1. A wooden building, a famous monument, builders and architects, columns and statues, churches and cathedrals, castles and palaces, to defend your city,...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the text, CD(20), and say which places of interest Kevin Davis didn’t see on his first day in Moscow. a) Moscow churches b) Red Square c) St Basil’s Cathedral d) Gorky Park e) the Bolshoi ...6 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and name three things that are different in Moscow and St Petersburg. Moscow and St Petersburg are the most important cities of Russia. They stand on the banks of two rivers − the Mos...6 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. anything, everybody, anybody, everything, nobody, nothing 1) I can’t see ... here. Where are the children? 2) ... is white in Moscow when it snows....6 классАнглийский язык
Choose the right words to continue the rows. enemies, rain, architects, statues, water, palaces, food, ice, columns, snow 1) Few enemies, ..., ..., ..., .... 2) Little rain, ..., ..., ..., .... 6 классАнглийский язык
Say what you can about Moscow and St Petersburg. Speak about: • where the city stands; • its monuments; • its theatres, museums and picture galleries; • its streets, squares, parks and gardens; • i...6 классАнглийский язык
Write Dictation 1, CD (21). 6 классАнглийский язык
Here are two stories about two famous Russian people. What are the stories? a) His life was not easy and he was a fairly unhappy man, but his music is very warm and beautiful. He travelled abroad b...6 классАнглийский язык
Read the limerick and choose the right words to complete it. There was an Old Man on a hill Who seldom, if ever ↓ was well stood still played golf   He ran up and down In his grandmother’s gown Whi...6 классАнглийский язык
Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can. tongue twister – скороговорка She sells seashells on the seashore. sells − продает seashells − ракушки seashore − морской берег 6 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and think of why the girls were jealous. The English Roses (After Madonna) Part One What are English Roses? Here is what they are not: A box of chocolates. A football team. Flowers in...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the song, CD (22), and sing it along. Which Land Is the Best 1) In my country we are happy, In my country we are happier, In my country we are the happiest of all. 2) In my country we are...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (23), and read the poem. Autumn Fires (By Robert Louis Stevenson) In the other gardens And all up the vale From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail! Pleasant summer over And all the ...6 классАнглийский язык
Read to get more information. Do you know that … … the Tsar Cannon ['kænən] in the Moscow Kremlin was the biggest in the world in its time. It shows the great skills of the Russian craftsmen ['krɑ:...6 классАнглийский язык
Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page in your English Album. Write about the place where you live. Write what you like about it, what makes it interesting, unusual, good to live in. Use pictures t...6 классАнглийский язык
Listen, CD (24), and say who visited these places last summer. a) Moscow b) Canada c) the Lake District d) Russia e) England f) Rome g) Spain h) Brighton i) Florida, USA j) France 6 классАнглийский язык
A. This is an e−mail Olga sent to her parents from Moscow. Read it and say which of the verbs in it are regular and which are irregular. Regular Verbs visited Irregular Verbs took   Dear mum and da...6 классАнглийский язык