Read and remember. Did you know that in Britain people often start conversations by talking about the weather? In your answer you should agree with the speaker but try to use a different word with ...

8 классАнглийский язык

Read and remember.
Did you know that in Britain people often start conversations by talking about the weather?
In your answer you should agree with the speaker but try to use a different word with the same meaning:
It’s a nice morning, isn’t it? − Yes, lovely, isn’t it?
Remember the words which are commonly used for:
good weather
nice, lovely, beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous
bad weather
awful, terrible, miserable, dreadful

Read and remember. Did you know that in Britain people often start conversations by talking about the weather? In your answer you should agree with the speaker but try to use a different word with ...


Перевод задания
Прочтите и запомните.
Знаете ли вы, что в Британии люди часто начинают разговор с разговора о погоде?
В своем ответе вы должны согласиться с говорящим, но попробуйте использовать другое слово с тем же значением:
Хорошее утро, не правда ли? − Да, милое, не так ли?
Запомните слова, которые обычно используются для:
хорошая погода
приятная, милая, очаровательная, прекрасная, великолепная
плохая погода
ужасная, ужасная, отвратительная, ужасная