Listen to the short dialogues. Say what they are about. 8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the dialogues again. Fill in the missing phrases. Act out the dialogues. 1. Nick: Hello, Mrs Green! ... ! Mrs Green: Hi, Nick! What a lovely day! Nick: Yes, ... , isn’t it? 2. Jenny: Good...8 классАнглийский язык
Read why people talk about the weather so often. Tick the most realistic ideas. Do you know any other reasons? People don’t know how to start a conversation. Everyone is interested in weather. The ...8 классАнглийский язык
Look through the list of words. Find the words that can be used to describe the weather. windy, sunny, lovely, quickly, cloudy, bright, stormy, rainy, very, difficult, wet, snowy, cool, warm, borin...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Discuss the weather. Tell each other what the weather is like in different places today. Use the map. Example: It’s sunny in London today, isn't it? − Yes, it’s lovely, isn’t it? 8 классАнглийский язык
Say how the weather changes your mood. Example: If the weather is rainy, I feel sad. 8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the poem about the weather. Say what the main idea of the poem is. 8 классАнглийский язык
Look at the pictures and say what kind of weather is typical in different parts of the Russian Federation in different seasons. Use the example and the words below. Example: It’s hot and sunny in t...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen and repeat the names of some countries. Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, In...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the ironic advice of an English writer on how to be polite in Britain. What is the advice? The weather is the most important topic in the land. In Europe if you want to describe someone very d...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. Did you know that in Britain people often start conversations by talking about the weather? In your answer you should agree with the speaker but try to use a different word with ...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the dialogues. Read them and act out. If the weather is good A: Lovely day, isn’t it? B: Yes, isn’t it beautiful? A: The sun is shining. B: Isn’t it gorgeous? A: Wonderful, isn’t it? B: I...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner what you can do on a winter / summer day. How does it depend on the weather? 8 классАнглийский язык
Review the cases when It’s is used. To describe the weather: It’s snowy in St Petersburg today, isn’t it? To identify the time of the day: It’s five o’clock. To identify the season: It’s spring. To...8 классАнглийский язык
Look back at the dialogues in Ex.12. Find examples of using It’s in them. 8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Make up a short dialogue about the weather with your partner. Use the dialogues in Ex.12 as a model. Invite your partner to one of the following places. • to the cinema • to the foot...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the text. Choose a title for it. Explain your choice. 1. Talking about the Weather 2. English Weather − No Problem! 3. A Bad Reputation of British Weather 4. A Foggy Country Typical British we...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the sentences and mark them as T (true − if the sentence agrees with the information in the text in Ex.17), F (false − if the sentence contradicts the information in the text), or NS (not stat...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. People use different scales of temperature: either Centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd] / Celsius [ˈselsiəs](C) or Fahrenheit [ˈfærənhaɪt](F). Celsius is a scale of temperature in which wate...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the weather forecast for tomorrow. Tick the right boxes. In the morning Weather Temperature Cloudy and dry +36−38°F Windy and rainy +63−68°F Cloudy and wet +75−80°F   In the afternoon Wea...8 классАнглийский язык
Invite your foreign partner to a picnic. Remember the typical weather in your area. Use: I’d like to invite you …, But I’m afraid it will be … / I’m sure it will be a nice day, We should take rainc...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the English proverbs and sayings. Choose one of them. Try to explain its meaning. Think of a Russian equivalent of it. 1. A little rain must fall in every life. 2. It never rains but it pours....8 классАнглийский язык
Guess what English−speaking countries were visited by Carol, Kristina and Paul. Match the texts with the cards. 1. Dear Timothy, I’m writing you from the Lucky Country. Can you imagine that it’s ve...8 классАнглийский язык
Look through the texts again. Find and make a list of the word combinations that can be used for the descriptions of weather and climate in the English−speaking countries. Example: can change quickly 8 классАнглийский язык
Read the texts in Ex. 23 again. Find the sentences with the verbs in the passive voice. Translate the sentences into Russian. Use the Grammar Reference if necessary. 8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Speak on Skype with your imaginary partner from any English−speaking country. Compare the weather and climate in your countries. Useful language You can never be sure of a dry / sunn...8 классАнглийский язык
a) Describe the climate and weather in your area. Use the list you have made (Ex. 24). Follow this plan. Name the region you live in. Say what typical weather is in your region in different seasons...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to a short interview with Neil Crane, a British writer. Complete the sentences. 1. The book ‘Nice to Meet You, Dear Earth’ has been written by ... a) a writer and an astronaut. b) a writer a...8 классАнглийский язык
Would you like to read Neil Crane’s book ‘Nice to Meet You, Dear Earth’? Explain why / why not? Use: I think / believe that …, be full of interesting information, talk about our solar system in a s...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen and repeat the English words. Match them with their Russian equivalents. Which English words sound simila to Russian? the solar system galaxy planet the Sun the Earth the Moon pole ocean atm...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. 1. 1,000 − one thousand 1,000,000 − one million 1,000,000,000 − one billion 1,000,000,000,000 − one trillion 365 − three hundred and sixty−five 728,439 − seven hundred and twenty...8 классАнглийский язык
Find in the table (Ex.31) an example of how we measure: speed temperature distance 8 классАнглийский язык
Read the Earth fact file. Complete the text with the sentences a − f. EARTH FACT FILE Mass: 597 thousand million, million, million tons. (1) _ Distance from pole to pole: 20,000 kilometres. (2) _ Te...8 классАнглийский язык
Say what facts from Ex. 33 were new to you. Use: I’m surprised that …, I didn’t know that …, I have never read about the fact that …, I had never heard that ..., That’s the first time I’ve heard of...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Do the quiz. 1. How many main planets are there in the solar system? 2. What is the biggest planet in the solar system? 3. Which planet is the closest to the Earth? 4. What days of t...8 классАнглийский язык
Now listen and find out if you were right. 8 классАнглийский язык
Match the words with the descriptions. 1. The Universe 2. A galaxy 3. The solar system 4. A planet 5. The Sun 6. The Moon ↓↑ a) … is the Sun together with the planets going round it. b) … is a huge...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. We use the when there is only one of something (unique): the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the galaxy, the solar system etc: The Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system...8 классАнглийский язык
Put the where necessary. Example: … Earth goes round … Sun. − The Earth goes round the Sun. 1. … Sun is the star at the centre of … solar system. 2. Her aunt lived in … country to the north of Live...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the text about the Earth. Match the titles with the paragraphs. 1. Wearing a Coat of Water 2. Inaccurate Name 3. Special Event for the Planet 4. Getting an Extra Day The Planet We Live on A. T...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. What does the name of our planet mean? 2. What makes the Earth the brightest planet in the solar system? 3. Where is most of the Earth’s water locat...8 классАнглийский язык
Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Why do you think people like to watch the stars? 3. Would you like to take part in a trip to other planets / gal...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. Note the different meanings of space and star. space She managed to park her car in a small space between the house and the fence. Vostok 1 with Yuri Gagarin on board was launche...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and find out whether the statements given after the text are true, false or not stated. Galaxies All of us like watching the stars in the night sky. Do you know that all of them, and ...8 классАнглийский язык
Look through the text once more and find the words that you don’t understand. Try to guess their meanings. Follow the steps. 1. Reread the word in context (the sentence in which it is used, plus the...8 классАнглийский язык
Write a short fact file for any planet of the solar system. Use the Internet. Try to find some interesting facts about the planet. Mass: ... Average temperature: ... Length of day: ... Age: ... Close...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the telephone conversation and complete the sentences. 1. The performance was unusual because ... a) a real policeman took part in it. b) the audience decided the end of the play. c) it w...8 классАнглийский язык
Read, translate and remember. We use the past continuous to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time: Andrew and Mike were at home yesterday evening. − Эндрю и Майк б...8 классАнглийский язык
Make up sentences. Use the table in Ex.48. I Steven Jane We The friends The students ↓ was were ↓ watching TV playing tennis watching the stars making a pie reading a magazine shopping browsing the...8 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (the past simple or the past continuous). Example: Mrs Smith … TV when her son Jim … to visit her. (watch; come) — Mrs Smith w...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the telephone conversation between Rachel and Steve once more. Complete the three questions the captain asked the astronauts in the performance. 1. What ... Jane ... when Tim came in? 2. ...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Find out what your partner was doing. Use the past continuous. Example: at 2 pm yesterday Student 1: What were you doing at 2 pm yesterday? Student 2: At 2 pm I was having my lunch. ...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the radio programme about the role of animals in space research. As you listen to the programme, complete the following sentences with one word in the spaces provided. 1. Felicette, an or...8 классАнглийский язык
Complete the story with a − e. Read the text aloud. The Russian dogs Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Arrow) were the first animals in orbit who (1) ... . Before the flight the dogs had special traini...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen, repeat and read. [æ] planet galaxy travel satellite spaceman astronaut [aɪ] like inside sky design flight eye [eɪ] spaceship spacesuit way station radio naked 8 классАнглийский язык
Look at the yesterday’s timetable in the Young Astronauts’ Camp. Say what the young astronauts were doing at • 6 am • 1.15 am • 5.30 pm • 7.05 am • 1.35 pm • 7.25 pm • 8.20 am • 3.10 pm • 9.20 am E...8 классАнглийский язык
Would you like to spend a week in the Young Astronauts’ Camp? Say what activities you would like to take part in. Complete the form using Ex. 56. SUMMER CAMP FOR YOUNG ASTRONAUTS Name: _ Surname: _...8 классАнглийский язык
Do you like reading stories or watching films about people’s life in the remote future? What are your favourite books / films? 8 классАнглийский язык
Listen, repeat and read. [aʊ] out outside shout round about found [ɔ:] door ball calls paw thought towards [i:] season beam cream mean team people 8 классАнглийский язык
a) Read the text and give a title for it. I am the Station Supervisor. I work on a space station. From my office, I can see the Earth twenty thousand miles away. It floats in space like a big green...8 классАнглийский язык
Mark the sentences as T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). 1. The narrator’s office is located on the Earth. 2. The narrator got the order to take the satellite into the base. 3. Tommy, the cat,...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Read the text once more. Some sentences have been left out. Decide where the sentences came from and mark the four places in the text where they could fit in. Compare the places found...8 классАнглийский язык
Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. Find the sentences with these phrasal verbs in the text and translate them. 1. to switch on 2. to go out 3. to wake up 4. to get back 5. to call on 6....8 классАнглийский язык
Translate the sentences written in bold (Ex. 60) into Russian. Say why the past continuous is used there. 8 классАнглийский язык
What do you think is the main idea of the story? Explain your choice. 1. Animals should be prohibited on board the space stations. 2. Space poses a serious danger. 3. The devil is not so black as h...8 классАнглийский язык
Look at the pictures. Make up a story. Write it down. Use: suddenly, then, as soon as, however, finally. 8 классАнглийский язык
a) Read the questions and match them with the photos. 1. Who was the first person who thought of the idea of space rockets? 2. Who constructed the first spaceship? 3. Who was the first cosmonaut? 4...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and translate the word combinations. launch (запускать) a spaceship / a project into space explore (исследовать, изучать) space / all the possibilities an exploration research (исследование) d...8 классАнглийский язык
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Example: Another spaceship was launched yesterday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. a) was flown b) was launched c) was taken 1. Will you try to ... ...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. The suffixes −tion, −er can be used to make nouns from verbs: 1. to explore − exploration to describe − a description to construct − a construction to pollute − pollution to prep...8 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the necessary forms of the words in capitals to fill in the blank space. 1. The young researcher has received a grant to continue his project. RESEARCH 2. I think he is t...8 классАнглийский язык
A correspondent (C) from Teenager Magazine interviews an astronaut (A). Match the questions with the answers. Act the interview out. C: Why are people so interested in space? A: (1) ... C: Which co...8 классАнглийский язык
What questions would you like to ask the astronaut? Write down at least 3 questions. Compare your questions with those of other students and choose the most popular question and the most interestin...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Interview each other using the questions below. Continue the dialogue with your own questions. Example: − Have you ever dreamed of travelling to other planets? − Yes, I have. In my c...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. We use both the present perfect (have + done) and the present perfect continuous (have + been + doing) to talk about actions which started in the past and continue up to the mome...8 классАнглийский язык
Use the present perfect continuous with since or for to make new sentences. Example: They study Italian. (for six months) − They have been studying Italian for six months. 1. Ms Jones works in hosp...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. Use the present perfect. Example: Do you still play basketball two times a week? − No, I haven’t played basketball for three months. Do you ↓ ...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the paragraphs and number them in order 1 − 6. _ But the dream of travelling into space came true only in the 20th century. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched a satellite called Spu...8 классАнглийский язык
Write captions for the pictures. They can be quotations from the text or your own sentences. Compare your captions with those of other students. 8 классАнглийский язык
Translate the sentences from the text written in bold. Say why the present perfect is used there. 8 классАнглийский язык
Look through the text again. Write a short summary of the text. Use the following keywords. • a dream of travelling in space • the first telescope • space−travel stories • around the Earth • the fi...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the people speaking about space exploration. Match the statements (1 − 5) with the speakers (A − D). One statement is not needed. Complete the table. The speaker says that 1. our problems...8 классАнглийский язык
Say what you think of space exploration. Use: It seems to me that …, In my opinion …, I believe that … . FOR It’s interesting; for thousands of years people were dreaming of travelling through spac...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen and repeat the word combinations. Which word is usually stressed more? Translate the word combinations into Russian. • space exploration • space flight • space research • space travel • moun...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Read the following statements. Choose one of the topics and decide if you agree or disagree. Write down at least 3 reasons. Present your reasons to your classmates. 1. People should ...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen and read the words describing disasters. Which of them sound like their Russian equivalents? Match the words with the pictures. a) volcano [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ] b) flood [flʌd] c) tornado [tɔ:ˈneɪdəʊ...8 классАнглийский язык
Match the words with their definitions. Listen and check if you were right. 1. A volcano 2. A flood 3. A tornado 4. An earthquake 5. A drought 6. A hurricane 7. A tsunami 8. A wildfire / a forest fi...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Find out what your partner knows about disasters happening around the world. Ask the following questions. Take turns. 1. What disasters happen more often than others? 2. In what coun...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember the words and word combinations. disaster (бедствие, несчастье) − a terrible disaster, a disaster area, disastrous (бедственный) shake (дрожать, трястись) − to shake your head, to...8 классАнглийский язык
Translate the sentences. 1. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods can damage houses and hurt people. Early−warning systems can be of great help. 2. The houses were s...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen to the interview with Sandra Miller and choose the answer to the following question. • Why did Sandra participate in the contest NATURE: BEAUTIFUL AND WILD? a) Sandra wanted to share her fee...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the script of the second part of the interview with Sandra. Complete the sentences below with the words from the text. Write only ONE word in each blank. Presenter: We are here again with Sand...8 классАнглийский язык
Read and remember. The Past Simple Use the past simple to talk about: • past habits or states • finished actions using the time words given below Time words: • yesterday / the day before yesterday ...8 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences using the verbs in the correct form: the past simple or the past continuous. 1. This spring a flood in China … (destroy) several villages and small towns. Lots of people … (d...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1. Is it possible to predict tsunamis and other natural disasters? 2. Do you believe animals can feel a coming disaster beforehand? Can you recall any stories ...8 классАнглийский язык
Read, translate and remember. Compare the meanings of the words. to break − to separate something into parts suddenly or violently. I can’t join you today. My bike is broken. It needs repairing. Do...8 классАнглийский язык
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. ruined, damaged, broken, explode, shaking, hurt, destroyed 1. Even volcanoes which have been quiet for a hundred years can suddenly … and ruin ev...8 классАнглийский язык
Listen and repeat. [ʌ] eruption flood blood hurricane nothing another [eɪ] tornado volcano trained break endanger nature [ɜ:] research occur emergency hurt nurse universe [aʊ] down sound drought cl...8 классАнглийский язык
Read the text and choose the most appropriate title for it. Explain your choice. 1. They Occur in Spring 2. Unpredictable Disaster 3. Violent Storm 4. Noisy Funnel If you remember the well−known bo...8 классАнглийский язык
Work in pairs. Ask each other the right questions to receive the following answers. Example: In what country do tornadoes occur most often? − In the United States. 1. …? − They are the most violent...8 классАнглийский язык