Translate the sentences. 1. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods can damage houses and hurt people. Early−warning systems can be of great help. 2. The houses were s...

8 классАнглийский язык

Translate the sentences.
1. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods can damage houses and hurt people. Early−warning systems can be of great help.
2. The houses were shaking when the terrible disaster came to the town.
3. Lots of people were hurt and killed during the recent earthquake in Mexico.
4. Why are you shaking like a leaf? You have prepared for the test and you’ll be able to do it easily.
5. You can trust this guy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
6. And now shake each other’s hands! You have signed a very important contract.

Translate the sentences. 1. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods can damage houses and hurt people. Early−warning systems can be of great help. 2. The houses were s...


Перевод задания
Переведите предложения.
1. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods can damage houses and hurt people. Early−warning systems can be of great help.
2. The houses were shaking when the terrible disaster came to the town.
3. Lots of people were hurt and killed during the recent earthquake in Mexico.
4. Why are you shaking like a leaf? You have prepared for the test and you’ll be able to do it easily.
5. You can trust this guy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
6. And now shake each other’s hands! You have signed a very important contract.

1. Стихийные бедствия, такие как ураганы, торнадо, цунами и наводнения, могут повредить дома и нанести вред людям. Системы раннего предупреждения могут оказать большую помощь.
2. Дома тряслись, когда в город пришла страшная катастрофа.
3. Многие люди были ранены и убиты во время недавнего землетрясения в Мексике.
4. Почему ты дрожишь, как лист? Ты подготовлся к экзамену и легко сможешь его сдать.
5. Вы можете доверять этому парню. Он и мужи не обидит.
6. А теперь пожмите друг другу руки! Вы подписали очень важный контракт.