Fill in the prepositions up and down, under, across, behind, off, from, at. A terrible noise was coming ... the ground. The earth was moving ... like the sea. The ground was moving ... his feet. He...

8 классАнглийский язык

Fill in the prepositions up and down, under, across, behind, off, from, at.
A terrible noise was coming ... the ground. The earth was moving ... like the sea. The ground was moving ... his feet. He ran and heard screams ... him. When he saw that a mountain seemed to be flying ... him, he swam ... the river. Later he realized that the earthquake had broken ... a large piece of the mountain.

Fill in the prepositions up and down, under, across, behind, off, from, at. A terrible noise was coming ... the ground. The earth was moving ... like the sea. The ground was moving ... his feet. He...


Перевод задания
Вставьте в предложения предлоги up and down, under, across, behind, off, from, at.
Доносился ужасный шум ... земля. Земля двигалась ... как море. Земля двигалась ... его ноги. Он побежал и услышал крики ... его. Когда он увидел, что гора будто летит ... его, он поплыл ... по реке. Позже он понял, что землетрясение сломало ... большой кусок горы.

A terrible noise was coming from the ground. The earth was moving up and down like the sea. The ground was moving under his feet. He ran and heard screams behind him. When he saw that a mountain seemed to be flying at him, he swam across the river. Later he realized that the earthquake had broken off a large piece of the mountain.

Перевод ответа
Ужасный шум доносился от земли. Земля двигалась вверх и вниз, как море. Земля двигалась под его ногами. Он побежал и услышал позади него крики. Когда он увидел, что гора, казалось, летит на него, он поплыл через реку. Позже он понял, что в результате землетрясения откололся большой кусок горы.